Pilgrims Passages

Pilgrim    Whitby 42  Sail Number 304 (1983) 


Pilgrim's track                via Ship Track                    Pilgrim's current position      via APRS

Pilgrim is currently at Fox's Marina in Ipswich

Trip Logs 2007  (click on the description)

Nov 3 -        England - Isle of Wight, Dover, Suffolk              Sept 19 -     England - Cornwall and Devon                           Aug 27 -     Scilly Islands                                                            Aug 21-      Ireland                                                                          July 18 -    Azores to Ireland                                                    June 26 -  Charleston to the Azores                                        Apr 28 -    Bahamas to Charleston, SC                                    Apr 1 -      Bahamas                                                       Feb 4 -    Florida and across the Gulf Stream  

Trip Logs 2006  (click on the description)

Dec 15 -      The ICW and Outside                                                Oct 31 -      Chesapeake to the ICW                                            Oct 5 -      Plymouth to the Chesapeake                                     Sept 13 -      Bar Harbor to Plymouth                                          Sept 2 -      Halifax to Bar Harbor                                          August 2 -      PEI   to Halifax                                                       July 1 -      Quebec City  to Charlottetown                                  June 9 -      Montreal to Quebec City                                          May 31 -     Picton to Montreal                                                  May 23 -      Whitby to Picton 

Additional Trip Photos                                      (click on the description, the latest photos are on top)

England - Isle of Wight, Dover, Suffolk                   England - Brownsea Island                                            England - Cornwall and Devon                                          Scilly Islands                                                                     Ireland                                                                                     Azores to Ireland                                                            Charleston to the Azores                                                Bahamas to Charleston Bahamas                                                           Florida and across the Gulf Stream                              The ICW and Outside                                     Chesapeake to the ICW                                                 Plymouth to the Chesapeake                                     Bar Harbor to Plymouth                                      Halifax to Bar Harbor                                             PEI to Halifax                                                            Quebec City to PEI                                               Quebec City                                                        Montreal to Quebec City                                       Picton to Montreal 


Pilgrim Recipes     updated April 16, 2007                       Family Recipes      updated April 16,2007                                       Equipment Problems
The Plan - V

Pilgrim Interior

Trinity-St Pauls United Church - -Witness to the Word - text by Jane Witherspoon and Brian Stewart  

The world according to Brian  - svpilgrim.blogspot.com

 Fal River, Cornwall, England                                         Photo by Amelia Peltz
Contact Information: VHF - VB8320   HF - VA3PIL   MMSI - 316004697

Jane:    VA3PIL   jane@pilgrimspassages.com                                          Brian:  VA3ISH    brian@pilgrimspassages.com